A Licensed Counselor Reveals... 

How Aspiring Sober Moms Can Embrace The Gift of Sobriety So You Can Experience A Brighter Tomorrow Without Stress, Shame, or Relapse: A 16 Week Blueprint

Without time consuming treatments, impersonal online programs, or uncredentialed “coaches” teaching information they got from google

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In this blueprint you will learn how to...

Draw on your inner strength to get sober and stay sober so you can feel healthy and energized to accomplish all of your goals 

Understand and gain mastery over cravings so you can ensure that you are fully present for all of the important moments with your family

Enjoy being sober so that you can feel comfortable and confident in any social situation without a drink

Find freedom from the constant alcohol focused thoughts so you can regain control of your mind 

Manage stress so you can regulate your emotions and make logical decisions that eliminate feelings of guilt 

Get unstuck from the drinking cycle so you can commit to sobriety and see your life transform!

Join Today!

Dear Aspiring Sober Moms, 

I know that you wake up feeling stressed and overwhelmed with all that you need to do- and you go to sleep feeling burnt out and exhausted after every day of your long-list of busy duties to take care of your family… And you feel like the ONLY quick, easy, & effective coping mechanism you have to manage all of the responsibilities on your plate is to drink because it immediately helps you to relax and feel calm. Drinking feels like the only time in your day when you can focus on yourself. 

I know this because I've worked with so many busy moms that were in the EXACT same position as you are… and what most of them didn't realize was... how much drinking really impacted their ability to enjoy their family. 

It was only until after I helped them get sober that they were able to truly see  how much they were missing out on… being able to focus on their family instead of having their minds preoccupied with thoughts about alcohol- the feeling of being present when embracing their child, being able to actually share in their kids excitement and accomplishments. These moms realized that drinking had become a habit that took them away from their family and left them feeling even more tired, burnt out, and stressed. What was once a coping skill had turned into something that stole precious time with their families…

Moms, I know how much you want things to change- you want to wake up feeling recharged and excited to be with your family. You want to feel calm in the face of challenges and use healthy coping skills to manage stress and eliminate guilt/ shame. The longer you continue drinking, the longer it will take for you to discover the true joy of being present for every beautiful moment in life. 

  So moms, now is the time to make a change for yourself and your family...

Hi, I'm Elyse! I would like to take this opportunity to connect with you on an intimate level- because it is my personal experiences that have led me to starting Path To Victory Counseling. I grew up in a home where my mother struggled with mental health and alcoholism. Her drinking started out social, and progressed over time. Unfortunately she was never able to overcome her addiction and died from alcohol related causes in 2022. I experienced first hand the mental and emotional toll that her drinking took on myself, my siblings, and our entire family system. 

I struggled with my own dependence on substances for a decade as a teenager and young adult. During this time I felt lost, alone, and my self esteem was shattered. I didnt know where to turn for help- but even if I did, I felt so broken that I didnt believe I could change. This mindset kept me stuck in a shame cycle for years that I wont ever get back. I reached a pivotal point where I could no longer stand how miserable I felt and knew I had to do something different. I entered into a 30 day residential program have never looked back. This decision transformed my entire life… instead of just barley surviving, I finally learned how to thrive. I learned that with the right tools, skills, and support- anyone can live alcohol free and experience true joy and fufillment in life. I am grateful to share that I have been sober since May of 2015 and get to enjoy each and every precious day. 

After I experienced how drastically better life was without substances, I was fired up to do whatever I could to help others realize this same transformation is available to them. I dedicated my education pursuits to better understanding human behavior, substance use and strategies to rewire and heal the brain from dependence on alcohol. I received a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Texas State University in 2018. I continued my studies at Texas State University and received my Masters in Social Work in 2020. 

I have dedicated the last 7 years of my career to working in the field of substance use. After working with people of all ages and backgrounds, I felt my calling revealed in working with moms because these women are unstoppable when they decide they are ready to change! I love getting to share education and tools with them and seeing those ah-ha moments when they are able to implement those strategies to see profound life changes. 

My personal experiences combined with my desire to help others are at the heart of Path to Victory Counseling. I look forward to connecting with you to discuss how we can kickstart your alcohol free journey! 

Elyse Greenamyre, L.C.S.W., L.C.D.C.

Important Disclaimer: 

Please note that testimonials on the website in no way reflect your results and are only used to show the potential in the Counseling With A Twist Program. We cannot guarantee any outcomes and there are no magic cures. Your results may vary drastically based on a multiplicity of factors such as (but not limited to): your willingness to engage in the therapeutic process, sit with being uncomfortable, communicate, and use all of skills at your disposal to stay sober. If you are not willing to put in the honest work and effort then this program is not right for you. If it is determined that you are not a good fit for this program you may be referred to a higher level of care to accommodate your specific needs.

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Path To Victory Counseling PLLC